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12 January 2002 web Corrected email address.
1 January 2002 code Happy New Years. Fixed a lot of the mouse stuff. Not perfect but better.
29 December 2001 code Ported code to SDL. Not fully functional yet, but compiles and runs.

More Historically:

18 November 2001 web Fleshing out the web pages.
17 November 2001 web Restructured the web pages. It's not finished yet, but it will be.
16 November 2001 life Well, I'm finished University now. So I guess I should have time to work on Trains once more.

If you want you can email me.
These pages were designed entirely using Emacs.
This web space is hosted by SourceForge.
This page was last updated: Friday 28 December (20011228)

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